Lope de Vega

One of the most interesting things that can be done in autumn is to visit the large number of museums that a city as Madrid can offer you. This one, in particular, is part of the so-called: "house-museums". In it, you can cover each corner of the building, recreated as it had been at the time that its owner lived: Lope Félix de Vega y Carpio (1562-1635), who is one of the most important spanish writers of all times. 

For more information: http://casamuseolopedevega.org/es/

Next, you have some of the nicest memories the visit left to me. Hope you like them ;)

"Canta pájaro amante en la enramada
selva a su amor, que por el verde suelo
no ha visto al cazador que con desvelo
le está escuchando, la ballesta armada".
"Tirale, yerra. Vuela, y la turbada
voz en el pico transformada en yelo,
vuelve, y de ramo en ramo acorta el vuelo
por no alejarse de la prenda amada.
Desta suerte el amor canta en el nido;
mas luego que los celos que recela
le tiran flechas de temor de olvido,
huye, teme, sospecha, inquiere, cela,
y hasta que ve que el cazador es ido,
de pensamiento en pensamiento vuela

-"La Dorotea", Lope de Vega.

Have a good night, Anna
